
Join Our Thriving Community


Interested in Becoming A Member with Us?

There is no cost to being a member, and we really just ask two things of you:

1. Complete the Monthly Member Survey when you receive our text reminder each month — it takes just 60 seconds!

2. Attend & Participate! 


Attend Group Events & Activities: Just go to our calendar to register!

Get 1-on-1 Recovery Coaching: Can be one-time or on a regular basis at no cost.

Join our Private Facebook Group: Recovery Beyond Community is a non-public way to connect.

Connect With Peer Leads and Small Groups: Peer Pods are based on geography and/or interests.

Volunteer: Recovery Beyond is a place to both get and give support! 

Simply fill our our Member Interest Form and we will be in touch within 24 business hours to get you signed up.